Saturday 29 July 2017


10 Effective natural ways for increase height after 18

Are you worry about your height is not increasing ? Don't be sad, we give you solution in this article. Some medicines are available in market for increase your height, but do daily exercise and take healthy diet instead of this medicine is good  for increasre your height.
Tall height is dream of many people's, It give you good personality. It give you confidence. Human growth hormone(HGH) is responsible to grow taller and make body fit and balancing. Height is normally increase at age of 18 and after that you can grow few inches of your height.

I recommended you to use natural items. I am also struggling with height up to the age of 18 and I think my height is not increasing any more. But I consult doctor and he said your height is increasing up to age of 25 but you do some exercise and take healthy diet. But I didn't try any medicine and then I prefer to do some natural ways and the result began to appear and my height is increasing few inches but friends this is very much after the age of 18. I am glad to use Natural things .

Are you ready for know about which natural things we used .....
  1. Drinking milk
  2. Do exercise 
  3. Play outdoor game
  4. Drinking water
  5. Doing yoga
  6. Stretching
  7. Take good diet
  8. Sitting straight
  9. Take proper sleep regularly
  10. Go in sunlight
1. Drinking milk

Drinking milk is important to increase your height because milk contain high level of protein, calcium,vitamin. Calcium is a key factor to increase height because it is important for bone growth.
  • Drink 2 to 3 glass in a day for better result.
2. Do exercise

Exercise is good for boost your height. Do exercise daily to grow your height.
  • Running is best way to increase height. Daily running has increase your height.
  • Cycling, skipping,swimming is also best way to boost your height. Do this at least for 30 minutes.
  • Pull ups and hanging are best exercise for grow your height.
3. Play outdoor games

Playing games like basketball, football, tennis,volleyball is beneficial for increase your height. This type of sports is stretch your body and help to increase your height.

4. Drinking water

Water is play important role to increase your height. Water helps the minerals, and proteins function better in the body by better cell absorption.
  • Drink up to 8 glass daily for better result.
5. Doing yoga

Doing yoga is very effective to increase your height. Some types of yoga is good for increasing your height like : Surya namaskar, Hastapadasana, Sukhasana like more yoga exercise.
  • Surya namaskar is benefit for boost your height . The best time for doing surya namaskar is when the sun rises. It also improve bload circulation in your body and reducing your stress. This is very helpful to increase you height.
  • You can find more yoga exercise in google search.

6. Stretching

Stretching play a vital role to increase your height. Stretching is very important for increase your height.

  • Bent over and touch your toes, keep your legs as straight as possible. Each reputation should last between 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Hanging, Touch your toes, Two straight legs up, like more exercise you know about in this video.
7. Take good diet

Good or healthy diet play effective role to increase height. Healthy diet make your body fit and strong. If you not eat food properly your height
There are some healthy diet food for increasing height. Foods are rich in calcium, vitamin, minerals helps to increase height.
  • Milk - 2 to 3 glass daily, Soybeans - 50 to 60 grams daily, Eggs - 2 to 5 daily, Chicken.
  • Fruit and vegetable - fruits like papaya, mango, watermelon, apricots and vegetables like spinach, peas, pumpkin, carrot, e.t.c.
  • Dairy food like paneer, yogurt, cheese, e.t.c.

8. Sitting and Standing straight

Most people are sitting and standing in bend position. This create barrier in increasing your height.
Always sitting and standing straight. So this will help to increase your height.

9. Take proper sleep regularly

Take proper sleep is beneficial for increase your height. During sleep our body hormone works very fast. Lack of sleep become hurdle in grow height. So proper sleep is very important for increase your height.

10. Go in sunlight

Sunlight is very effective way to grow your height. Sunlight gives vitamin D which is very effective to increasing height. So sunlight is better way to help increase your height.

Tips for increase your height....
  • Avoid junk food
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Always sitting and standing straight.
  • Don't use heavy weights



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