Wednesday 2 August 2017


How to lose weight or obesity

Are you really want to lose weight ? If your answer is yes, so you definitely must read this article.
Nowadays heavy weight or obesity is a problem of every 2 person in a house. Not only adult is a victim of heavy weight but many children are also suffering in small age. This is because of eating lots of junk food without giving break,some people is sitting in one place for many hours this is also the reason of obesity.
Obesity occur due to many reasons like eating too much fatty foods, lack of sleep, sitting in one place for many hours, overeating, skip breakfast, too much stress, and more reasons increase the risk of obesity.
According the report of Medical news today Body Mass Index(BMI) is less than 18.5 the person is under weight, BMI of 18.5 and 25 is normal, 25 to 30 is overweight, and above 30 is obese.

Here I give some home remedy to lose your weight. This will work 340%.....

  1. Lemon
  2. Warm water
  3. Green tea
  4. Honey
  5. Black pepper
  6. Do exercise
  7. Yoga
  8. Tomatoes
  9. Curry leaves
  10. Ginger
1. Lemon

Lemon juice is one of the best solution for lose weight. Lemon juice contain low calorie this will help you to lose your weight. Lemon juice also help to increase power of metabolism.
  • Drink lemon juice with warm water in the morning on empty stomach. Drink daily at least 90 days. This will help to reduce your fat.
  • Lemon is also use for various home remedies like hair fall, pimple.
Problem of hair fall in monsoon.
2.Warm water

Warm water play vital role to kill your obesity. Drink hot water instead of cold water. After eating your meal wait for 30 minutes and then drink warm water. This will help to increase metabolism power and lose your weight.
  • Drink warm water daily.
3. Green Tea

Green tea is very good for burn your fat. Green tea increase the speed of metabolism.Study shows that Green tea contains bioactive substances like caffeine and EGCG(Epigallocatechin gallate) which can have powerful effects on metabolism.
  • Drink green tea 2 hours before or after a meal and 2 hour before a bedtime daily.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups daily.
  • Drink more in summer and less in winter.
 4. Honey

Honey is best home remedy to lose you fat. Honey is very effective to reduce your weight. Honey contain vitamin and mineral.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey with an equal amount of warm water and drink it. It help to reduce your fat.
  • Also mix honey with lemon juice this also help to lose your weight.
  • Honey is also use for glow your skin.
5. Black pepper

Black pepper is one of the great remedy to burn your fat. It is very helpful to reduce your weight. Black pepper contain piperine, which stop increasing fat cells, increase the power of metabolism.It is low in calorie which help to lose your weight.
  • Mix black pepper in warm water and drink it daily. This will help to reduce your weight.
  • You can also mix black pepper in fruit or vegetable juice.
  • You can also chew black peppercorns.
6.Do exercise

Do some exercise daily this will help to burn your fat. Daily exercises help to lose your weight.Some exercise for lose your weight:
  • Jogging daily every early morning.
  • You can also do push ups, triceps, crunch like more exercise  to reduce your fat.
7. Yoga

Yoga is play vital role in  reduce your obesity. Yoga is very important natural things for reduce your weight. some of the yoga are :
  • Surya namaskar, Kapal bhati, halasana, dhanurasana like more yoga exercise help to reduce your fat.
8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes is very helpful for lose your weight. Tomatoes have low in calorie and contain high fibre. and tomatoes has power of increase speed of metabolism.
  • Eat 2 to 3 raw tomatoes daily and you can also drink tomatoes juice daily for 2-3 months in the morning.
9. Curry leaves

Curry leaves is best home remedy to lose your obesity. It is helpful to improve your digestion. It has also power of detoxification. Curry leaves is help to burn your fat. 
  • Drink Curry leaves juice or tea daily on empty stomach.
  • You can only eat curry leaves simply by chewing. For better result eat daily.
10. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is best ingredient to kill your fat. Study shows that apple cider vinegar drink for 3 months can help to lose your weight. It also improve heart health. ACV is help to fight various health problem.
  • Take 2 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and mix with a glass of water and drink it daily in morning before meals for better results.
  • Do not take up to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a day because it may reduce your blood potassium level over time and lower your bone mineral density.
381% Tips for lose your weight or obesity 

1. Avoid high calorie food.
2. Do not skip breakfast because this increase the water weight in your body.
3. Exercise daily.
4. Avoid medicines.
5. Do not over eat.
6. Do not eat excessive salt.
7. Do not eat dairy item.
8. Take proper sleep.


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